Bitcoin Additional Staking
Is an environmentally friendly Bitcoin mining with no additional investment in special equipment and high energy bills
Staking is a way of supporting the blockchain based on the Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm
Participants lockup coins on a special account
A validator is appointed automatically by the system. The longer you hold onto staking assets and the more coins you pledge, the higher the chance to earn rewards
Send coins to masternode if you want to get more rewards
Why staking Bitcoin Additional is actually staking Bitcoin
Bitcoin Additional is a stablecoin of Bitcoin. That means the price of BTCa equals Bitcoin.
1:1 ratio
You can exchange Bitcoin Additional to Bitcoin at a ratio of 1:1
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Staking Rewards
Minimum staking amount: 0.01 BTCa
0,5 BTCa are generated every minute of which 0,005 BTCa go to stakers, and 0,495 go to masternodes. Staking Rewards are paid out to all stakers and depend on the number and age of coins invested. The more coins invested, the higher is the reward (the reward grows in proportion to the invested BTCa coins)
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Safely store your coins on your device
Crypto exchanges are like banks: it is your finances but they are under control and responsibility of other people. To start staking Bitcoin Additional you need to download the desktop wallet. It is a simple and secure way store coins on your own PC so that no one could block or hack your coins.
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Staking Rewards
Minimum staking amount: 0.01 BTCa
0,5 BTCa are generated every minute of which 0,005 BTCa go to stakers, and 0,495 go to masternodes. Staking Rewards are paid out to all stakers and depend on the number and age of coins invested. The more coins invested, the higher is the reward (the reward grows in proportion to the invested BTCa coins)
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Safely store your coins on your device
Crypto exchanges are like banks: it is your finances but they are under control and responsibility of other people. To start staking Bitcoin Additional you need to download the desktop wallet. It is a simple and secure way store coins on your own PC so that no one could block or hack your coins.
How to stake Bitcoin Additional coins
Download the wallet on your PC and transfer Bitcoin Additional coins
Staking will start automatically when it meets the minimum balance needed for the asset (0.1 or more BTCa)
You can withdraw any amount at any time