Bitcoin Additional ecosystem
Proof of Stake consensus
BTCa is a fork of bitcoin based on Proof of Stake consensus . The BTCa coin is backed by Bitcoin, the strongest cryptocurrency on the market. If bitcoin crashes, the whole crypto market crashes.
Transactions are made as quickly as possible
Transactions on our exchange are among the cheapest in the blockchain system ($1/100 per transfer)
High return
High return on investment in Masternodes . Profit depends on the number of invested BTCa
Professionals of the highest caliber
The creators of BTCa are professionals of the highest caliber . Our team is composed of industry experts who have been working in and developing the field of cryptocurrency for years.
Available now!
Investing BTCa in MasterNodes equals income for investors
Investing BTCa in MasterNodes equals income for investors
Development is planned for 2022-2025
Investment Platform
Investment Platform for selection and funding of startups around the world.
Online payment
Online payment in stores of popular shopping platforms (Bitrix, Joomla, WordPress, Tilda, and Shopify).
Issue of a physical card
We are creating a card that will allow you to use your BTCa earnings to pay in restaurants and shops in the same way you use a bank card today.
Ready to buy BTCa?
The easiest way is to join through a pool on the exchange.
Just go to the Quan2um exchange
Buy the BTCa coin
Join an instant masternode
Earn rewards
How to make money on this project?
Buy a coin, send it to masternodes, receive rewards
Our plans for the future
Now we only invest in the coin, we expect to receive a profit after the introduction of the coin into the commodity money circulation and after the premine is sold out
How long is the money fixed in the masternode?
The deposit can be returned within a week.
Is it possible to sell a coin at any time?
Yes! it is! You can sell the coin at any time at the BTC rate.
Our plans for the future
Now we only invest in the coin, we expect to receive a profit after the introduction of the coin into the commodity money circulation and after the premine is sold out
Invest in large
No risk to your own funds. Your coin balance will be multiplied by ten times for a higher Bitcoin Additional eco-mining reward.
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