2019 2020 2021 2022 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 2027 2028
Desktop Wallet Designed for Windows, Linux and MacOS
Allowing you to:
Receive and send coins to wallet address and using QR code
Sending coins to Staking
Create masternodes
Mobile application development for iOS and Android
Allowing you to send and receive coins:
By wallet address
By QR code
Using the Shake-to-Pay function
WEB wallet development
It allows:
Receive and send coins to wallet address
Invest in masternodes from 0.001 BTCa
Fork 02.02.2022
Listing on exchanges:
Creating a mining pool on the exchange Quan2um
Q3 - Q4
Moneybox App
Users store BTCa coins on Bitcoin Additional app and gain reward
Q3 - Q4
Masternodes x10
”We increase user deposit by 10 times and accrue eco-mining reward”
Charity Foundation
We help foundations and individuals to accept cryptocurrency donations
Issuance of cards
That allows you pay for goods and make purchases
Stop selling own coins
Redistribution of the remaining coins to open masternodes. What reasons will lead to a shortage of coins on the market and create an increase in prices.
Burning of 200.000 premined coins
Burning of 1 million premined coins from 4 quarter 2024 till 4 quarter 2028 in equal shares of 200 k
Development of the financial ecosystem
Integration into payment systems, online stores
Burning of 200.000 premined coins
Burning of 1 million premined coins from 4 quarter 2024 till 4 quarter 2028 in equal shares of 200 k
Burning of 200.000 premined coins
Burning of 1 million premined coins from 4 quarter 2024 till 4 quarter 2028 in equal shares of 200 k
Burning of 200.000 premined coins
Burning of 1 million premined coins from 4 quarter 2024 till 4 quarter 2028 in equal shares of 200 k
Burning of 200.000 premined coins
Burning of 1 million premined coins from 4 quarter 2024 till 4 quarter 2028 in equal shares of 200 k